2007年11月2日 星期五


自從樓下大電視修好之後, 我每天晚上洗完澡都坐下來看電視, 因woodstove有燒木頭客廳很暖活, 坐在大椅子內, 腳抬高, 非常的舒服, 就這樣我已連續好幾晚看到快1點才去睡覺, 昨天就不行了, 心臟跳的快, 感覺血壓高, 昨晚還是坐下看, 但是乖乖的10:30關電視上樓睡覺去, 今天好些, 但覺得心跳還是有點快, 我知道這是我睡眠不足照成的, 以前貪看連續句, 幾天下來就會這樣, 我告訴我自己, 再看啊, 跟自己的身體過不去, 不敢了, 所以昨晚乖乖的早睡, 要好好照顧自己的身體.

昨天看錄下的oprah show , 昨天的節目是在談aging, 節目上100個47-48歲的女性來賓接受測驗, 只有一位沒有aging, 她說她每早五點起床和女友一起走路到6:30am, 回到家弄孩子上學之後, 她也去上班, 她每天早上一碗麥片當早餐(我最愛Honey Nut Oatmeal我每早也是吃oatmeal一碗)她從不吃外面一切自己煮, 她吃很多蔬菜水果. 以下是截錄from oprah show, what Dr. Oz said:

Dr. Oz made the omentum—the dangerous belly fat that hurts your heart—into a household word. Now he's got a new vocabulary word he wants you to know—telomeres.

Just like the tip of a shoelace keeping the threads of the lace from fraying, a telomere keeps the chromosomes from fraying, too. A properly functioning telomere will keep chromosomes healthy, which allows them to reproduce cells.

But if you are worn down by stress, your telomeres will break down. "And then guess what? You can't reproduce your cells anymore," Dr. Oz says. "And when you can't reproduce cells, you're old and you're frail."

Dr. Oz says telomeres contain new information about aging that is vitally important. While doctors used to think that only certain organs could rebuild themselves, they now know that all our organs can be replenished with new cells if we have functioning telomeres.

"Aging is not about avoiding breakage—that's not what it's about. Aging is about repairing what's broken," he says. "When you lose the ability to repair, you become frail."

To test your frailty, Dr. Oz says all you need is a pair of walking shoes and a stretch of sidewalk. If you can't walk a quarter mile in six minutes, Dr. Oz says the chance of you dying in five years is 300 times greater than if you can walk the distance in five minutes or less. 看來我跑那五圈是不夠我必須要加大範圍了.

